
June 3, 2021

Frequent Alert 212–Why Was the U.S. Blind for Weeks at the Start of the Pandemic?

Dr. Paul Alexander has his PhD in Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact. He is a regular contributor to American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) and a brilliant analyst of the COVID-19 Pandemic and fallout from the resulting lockdowns. Here he talks with Dr. Breggin about what crippled the US response at the very beginning of the pandemic? Why were we blind about the beginning of the disease spread in the US? Dr. Alexander answers these questions in a short video. We are currently in YouTube jail for publishing Dr. Breggin’s interview with Attorney Tom Renz, who filed a major lawsuit against the federal government to get a Temporary Restraining Order preventing COVID-19 vaccines in children. You can find us on which has provided us safe haven for our work and Dr. Breggin’s interviews.