
September 1, 2021

Frequent Alert 226–Struggle for Liberty Despite the Fear

Dear Readers:

Julius Ruechel is an independent writer and researcher from Canada who has a remarkable simplicity and beauty to his writing about freedom. Like many others, he felt compelled to add his voice to the fight for human liberty. You will be inspired by a man whose background was in cattle farming and whose book is called Grass Fed Cattle. From that down-to-earth background, he writes and talks with grace and knowledge about the greatest issues confronting North America and the world today. He sets an example for people everywhere to increase awareness about what is being inflicted on our world and to dare to speak the truth about it. Julius’ brilliant essay is here.

View our inspiring conversation here.

Interviewing brilliant investigative journalist Leo Hohmann was a remarkable educational experience for me. He puts into words the panoramic view of what lies behind COVID-19 and what the global predators have in store for us. I strongly recommend this discussion to people who want to deepen and broaden their understanding of what is going in the world right now. The actions of Fauci, Bill Gates, WHO, the big corporations and the government in respect to COVID-19 treatments and vaccines may seem contradictory, confusing, and even senseless; but understanding their motives clarifies it all.