
September 26, 2018

Frequent Alert 59 : My new radio program format is taking off!! 

This is really good!  My new radio program format is taking off!!  We talk live on the air, we get to know each other, and I respond to exactly what’s on your mind.  When I travel, more and more people are coming up to me say how much their time with me on the radio means to them.  It means a lot to me, too.   Join me every week from 4-5 pm New York time.

This past Wednesday, 9.26.18, we talked not only about the harm from psychiatric drugs and electroshock–we talked even more about overcoming any harm to your brain, as well as overcoming the suppressive emotions of anger, guilt, shame and anxiety, so you can live a better life.     

The Dr. Peter Breggin hour is every Wednesday from 4-5 pm NY time.  You can listen live on or on the PRN.FM App.   You can also listen via The Dr. Peter Breggin Show Archives.

During the live hour, you can call into the program from anywhere in the world on 888 874 4888

The last Wednesday of every month is entirely for callers who want to chat with me, to ask a question, or to share their experience.  Call in any Wednesday from 4-5 PM NY time and especially every last Wednesday of the month, which is my favorite format, because you become the focus on my attention as my guest.  


Peter R. Breggin, MD