

Alert 30: My Best Dynamic Speech Ever? Therapy, Drugs, Evolution, Life: Covers Most of My Major Views

    Dr. Breggin’s speech was delivered on September 18, 2015 via Skype to a conference sponsored by CEP, the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry in Great Britain. Dr. Breggin was introduced by Sami Timimi, M.D. consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist and director of postgraduate education in the NHS in Lincolnshire […]

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Look out when the Left and Right both empower psychiatry

As I predicted in my blogs on and on my website, the left and the right have indeed found common ground in wanting to increase the power of psychiatry and the mental health establishment with the goal of preventing gun massacres. But as I’ve also warned in my reports, psychiatrists have no special ability to identify potentially violent offenders. Even more striking, they have no drugs that prevent violence, but they prescribe many drugs that can cause violence, including antidepressants, benzodiazepines, stimulants, and antipsychotic drugs.

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Never again! The real history of psychiatry

There have been recent calls for a national Mental Health Registry, and then additional calls to link such a registry to gun licensing. In the dreadful wake of Newtown, both the left and the right and the current US federal administration are demanding that we tighten mental health statutes to make it easier and even mandatory for health care providers including psychiatrists and psychotherapists to incarcerate people on suspicion of perpetrating violence.

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Psychiatry Has No Answer to Gun Massacres

The Newtown tragedy has sent us searching for answers to mass killings. There are many important questions to be addressed, such as “Is tighter gun control feasible and consistent with the Second Amendment?”, “Can we prevent so much teen exposure to violent games and movies?”, “Would it help to put armed guards in schools or to arm teachers and principals?”, and “How much mass murder is driven by psychiatric drug exposure?” These are critical issues.

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