
April 29, 2020

Alert 145: My Weekly Radio/TV Show With New Format, News and Interview, This week with Robert Whitaker

Today my radio/TV show starts a new format.  The hour begins with my current news and analysis report.  After the report comes an interview or other topics. Today’s news focuses on a fake VA study claiming that hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin were causing the deaths of veterans hospitalized with the coronavirus, but I come up with a shockingly different analysis of the VA’s own data—and force a turnabout in the media. After the report, Bob Whitaker, journalist and scientist, gives an extremely informative and lively interview about the latest big lie from psychiatry (it is a whooper) and about encouraging developments in Europe with drug-free inpatient treatment.  This is truly a fine interview with one of the most effective people in the psychiatric reform movement.  A great Dr. Peter Breggin Hour!

Listen in @,  Today @ 4 PM, NY Time

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