
December 20, 2018

Meet Dr. Breggin in Denmark, March 9, 2019

March 9, 2019 is the first Symposium about Scientific Freedom and the Inauguration of the Institute for Scientific Freedom

Plan ahead for this great event in beautiful Denmark. 

This will be the first time I speak frankly in public about the repeated, at times life-threatening, attempts to stop my scientific and reform work.  I helped organize the event to honor Peter Gotzsche’s work and to inspire support for him as he comes under attack for telling the truth about such subjects as psychiatry and vaccines.  But it’s much more than supporting any one person, even a hero of Peter Gøtzsche’s international standing–it’s about building a coalition to promote freedom of scientific inquiry and publication throughout the world. 

Make this the travel event of 2019 for yourself and for scientific reform. 

It will inform and inspire you beyond all expectations.