
January 17, 2008

The War Against Children of Color

War Against Children of Color

Psychiatry Targets Inner City Youth 

War Against Children of Color 
How the drugs, programs, and theories of the psychiatric establishment
are threatening America’s children with a medical ‘cure’ for violence.
  by Peter Breggin, M.D.
co-authored with Ginger Ross Breggin

In 1992, Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Ross Breggin inspired a national campaign against the proposed federal “Violence Initiative,” that aimed at identifying inner-city children with alleged defects that would make them violent when they reached adulthood. Many of the research plans, which are still in operation, involve searching for a “violence gene,” finding “biochemical imbalances,” and intervening in the lives of schoolchildren with psychiatric drugs. This book is an updated version of the Breggin’s 1994 The War Against Children, with a new chapter that includes information on the federally funded fenfluramine studies done on inner city boys.

Out of print

Copies may be available on Amazon


Terrifying data conveyed in the calm and sober voice of an experienced and respected physician and researcher. A brilliantly controversial and, for me, uncomfortably persuasive work — and a major addition to our understanding of racism as it infiltrates our science and our culture.” — Jonathan Kozol, author of Amazing Grace and Savage Inequalities